Who is Rahil Kandamplayil?

Rahil is an employee at YUHIRO. YUHIRO is a company that provides software developers from India for agencies, IT service providers, IT departments and IT freelancers.
At the company, Rahil Kadamplayil works as a digital marketing executive and also holds sales roles.
What did Rahil study?
Rahil Radhakrishnan Kandamplayil (that’s the full name) has a Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA for short) and is also completing his Master of Commerce (M.Com) degree.
Where can you find Rahil’s social media profiles?
He can be found on XING, among other places. Click here for the profile of Rahil Kadamplayil.
Or else on LinkedIn. Click here to go to Rahil‘s LinkedIn profile. His name is also abbreviated it Rahil K. R..
What does Mr. Kadamplayil offer?
Mr. Kadamplayil and the company YUHIRO offer to build development teams in India.
Click here to visit the YUHIRO website.
Want a software development consulting appointment in India?
Email us at info@yuhiro.de.
Who is Sascha Thattil?
Sascha Thattil is the managing director at YUHIRO. You are on the homepage of Sascha Thattil.
Where does Rahil Kadamplayil live?
Rahil lives in Kerala, India. This is a southern state of India with about 30 million inhabitants.
Especially Kochi and also the city of Trivandrum in Kerala are known for the IT scene and the availability of programmers.

Other ways to contact us?
You can also reach us at the phone number +49 (0) 30 344 082690.
Alternatively, you can email the CEO himself via sascha.thattil@yuhiro.de itself.
Rahil Kadamplayil can be reached at Email ID: rahil.kandamplayil@yuhiro.de
Or write to him via social media.